
10 000 auditeurs en 2023 !

Créer de la musique c’est très chouette Partager sa musique est une étape supplémentaire Etre écouté, et apprécié, est extrèmement important pour un artiste…et ça donne envie de créer plus …

Aniakea Forward


New single worldwide release november 2023 the 17th 120 000 streams yet with my previous EP and singles Where will we go with my new single « Forward » ? This cover …

HypeRav by Aniakea

HypeRav new Single to come

HypeRav will be released the 21st of january 2023 This will be a mix of rav drum and electronic instruments The title name is a combination of Hype, Hyper and …

Aniakea FlowUp cover

Why visual counts

As i am preparing the release of my next single « Flow Up » october the 14th i am working on visuals
Why visuals and what visuals ?

Aniakea Ravania mix Spotify Canvas

Ravania mix Spotify canvas

Today music needs visual to perform That’s why Spotify created the canvas, it is a short visual animation you see when listening music So, considering my visual background as art …