As i am preparing the release of my next single « Flow Up » october the 14th i am working on visuals
Why visuals and what visuals ?

Why visuals ?
As music is sound, how to make yours fans or discoverers go to your music, go to you ?
Visuals are a way to show your music.
So you have to define a visual related to your music
Visuals are also a way to work with visual artists, as i did with the talented Lydia Cañizares for the Flow Up cover. See her article on our collaboration.
What visuals ?
Here is a short list of visuals that counts for your music
- cover of your song : used on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube music… Always use the same where ever you publish it !
- shorts : used on Spotify canvas, Instagram, Tic-Tok, Youtube
- Official video : usefull on platforms like Youtube Official Channel
- Banners : on Youtube or Vimeo you have to construct your label
- Social networks : be recognizable at a glance

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